Why join a choir?
Singing in a choir has become an important part of many people's lives. At Singwell we are firm believers in the benefits of community singing which can help to:
Our philosophy as a choir is that we want to include absolutely everyone who thinks they would enjoy singing to come and give it a go, in the knowledge that they will find a group of people who are inclusive, encouraging and friendly.
We also aim to create a brilliant sound and we practice hard to create an environment where we can all be proud of the music we produce together.
If anyone would like to come but cannot afford the £7 a week cost, please come along for free. We would love you to join us and benefit from singing, having fun and making friends with such a lovely group of people. You are so welcome :)
All of our choir venues have disabled access and facilities.
What if I can't make all of the rehearsals?
We cover the same repertoire at all of our venues, so if you cannot make one week at your usual choir you are more than welcome to join us on a different day at a different group. If you can't come at all for a week or two, it really isn't a problem - you will soon catch up!
Do We Sing in Parts?
Most of the pieces are sung in two or three parts. If you have never sung in parts before it can be a bit confusing to start with but you will soon catch on. There will be plenty of singers around for you to listen to, which can be a huge help. Come and give it a go - you are going to love the sound and you will probably surprise yourself :)
There is no need to read music as we try to learn the parts by memory. If you prefer to use a music copy, most of these will be available as a PDF which I can email to you. We try to perform the easier songs without words in front of us, but can use folders with the words in when the songs get a bit more complicated.
The most important thing to realise is that everyone there will be friendly and supportive, and we are all a bit confused about what we are doing anyway!
Once a month we run a social evening at Durrington Leisure Centre with some karaoke fun thrown in. The aim is for us to have more time to build friendships and to grow in confidence singing either with a microphone or in a crowd. It is a great excuse to come together, meet people from other groups and to have some fun! Ask to join the Choiraoke WhatsApp group to keep in the loop :)
The four choirs will come together three times a year to perform in a relaxed, pressure-free setting to family, friends and to the local community. We will have a live band to accompany many of these bigger concerts. We will also use these events as a way to raise money for different charities.
We do enjoy singing at a variety of community events and good causes, so please do email singwellchoir@gmail.com to see if we are able to help you.
Who runs the choir?
Sing Well is headed up by Julia Daintree, who has had many years experience running choirs for all ages - some in the community, others in schools. There will also be a team of people on hand to help with practical issues and to make sure everyone feels welcome and included. If you would like to be part of one of these teams, please speak to Julia.
How much will it cost?
The first week is free, then it will be £7 a week, to include refreshments. Singers are all encouraged to pay for the term up-front. If this lump sum is financially difficult, please speak to Julia and it may be possible to pay weekly.
We only meet during term time.
If money is really tight, please do come along for free.
Singing in a choir has become an important part of many people's lives. At Singwell we are firm believers in the benefits of community singing which can help to:
- bring people together and build friendships
- improve physical and mental health
- build confidence
- bring joy and hope to ourselves and others through the positive message of our songs
Our philosophy as a choir is that we want to include absolutely everyone who thinks they would enjoy singing to come and give it a go, in the knowledge that they will find a group of people who are inclusive, encouraging and friendly.
We also aim to create a brilliant sound and we practice hard to create an environment where we can all be proud of the music we produce together.
If anyone would like to come but cannot afford the £7 a week cost, please come along for free. We would love you to join us and benefit from singing, having fun and making friends with such a lovely group of people. You are so welcome :)
All of our choir venues have disabled access and facilities.
What if I can't make all of the rehearsals?
We cover the same repertoire at all of our venues, so if you cannot make one week at your usual choir you are more than welcome to join us on a different day at a different group. If you can't come at all for a week or two, it really isn't a problem - you will soon catch up!
Do We Sing in Parts?
Most of the pieces are sung in two or three parts. If you have never sung in parts before it can be a bit confusing to start with but you will soon catch on. There will be plenty of singers around for you to listen to, which can be a huge help. Come and give it a go - you are going to love the sound and you will probably surprise yourself :)
There is no need to read music as we try to learn the parts by memory. If you prefer to use a music copy, most of these will be available as a PDF which I can email to you. We try to perform the easier songs without words in front of us, but can use folders with the words in when the songs get a bit more complicated.
The most important thing to realise is that everyone there will be friendly and supportive, and we are all a bit confused about what we are doing anyway!
Once a month we run a social evening at Durrington Leisure Centre with some karaoke fun thrown in. The aim is for us to have more time to build friendships and to grow in confidence singing either with a microphone or in a crowd. It is a great excuse to come together, meet people from other groups and to have some fun! Ask to join the Choiraoke WhatsApp group to keep in the loop :)
The four choirs will come together three times a year to perform in a relaxed, pressure-free setting to family, friends and to the local community. We will have a live band to accompany many of these bigger concerts. We will also use these events as a way to raise money for different charities.
We do enjoy singing at a variety of community events and good causes, so please do email singwellchoir@gmail.com to see if we are able to help you.
Who runs the choir?
Sing Well is headed up by Julia Daintree, who has had many years experience running choirs for all ages - some in the community, others in schools. There will also be a team of people on hand to help with practical issues and to make sure everyone feels welcome and included. If you would like to be part of one of these teams, please speak to Julia.
How much will it cost?
The first week is free, then it will be £7 a week, to include refreshments. Singers are all encouraged to pay for the term up-front. If this lump sum is financially difficult, please speak to Julia and it may be possible to pay weekly.
We only meet during term time.
If money is really tight, please do come along for free.